We are ValorAfrica, we focus, we think and we fix challenges in Agricultural Sustainability and Valorisation Processes. Our effort drives improved and sustainable farming methods, food production processes, flourishing ecosystem and biodiversity.

The drive to increased food productivity, food security and food price stability remains crucial to the African agrarian economy. To meet these goals, our farmers need to adopt mechanized systems and large-scaled automated industrial processes which would ensure they can meet the market demand on food placed by the emerging African populace.
At ValorAfrica, we drive sustainability by looking deeper and solving some of the most complex Engineering problems that plague farmers. We transform the state of art farming with innovative thinking and custom-built technologies.
From the onset, we observe and speak to our farmers in their farms, we identify the technical challenges, and we research, design and build automated technologies that ease the burden of farm work and food production cycles.
Our innovative products in return sustain food production methods by lowering farmer’s laborious tasks, and ensure that biodiversity is preserved throughout the farm-to-fork cycle.
Our commitment towards a preserved ecosystem while automating food production systems remains unabated. Across the length and breadth of the African continent, we find and study large biomass of organic by-products and latent ‘wastes’ that can contribute immensely to the extant and new industries in the continent when properly transformed.
ValorAfrica have Researchers, Partners and Engineers contributing to ensure that agricultural by-products find a place in the value chain of our industrial feedstock. We build large-scale automated technologies that help us transform these seemingly waste products into high-value products used in various sectors of the economy.
Our Job task cycles through studies, experiment and partnership with prospective client companies. Then we design, and build these highly automated systems that give us the needed transformation. From this point, we spin-out new products into the market that solve unique problems.
Our work and products in valorisation remains at the centre stage of providing unique feedstock for innovative manufacturing and a greener economy for everyone.

Transforming Organic Waste to Industrial Feedstock